rhys.thatcher: Common Sandpiper
rhys.thatcher: Little Ringed Plover
rhys.thatcher: Lapwing
rhys.thatcher: Turnstone
rhys.thatcher: Lapwing and Snipe
rhys.thatcher: Lapwing
rhys.thatcher: Godwit - Black-tailed
rhys.thatcher: Turnstone and Dunlin
rhys.thatcher: Curlew-Sandpiper and Dunlin
rhys.thatcher: Sanderling
rhys.thatcher: Curlew Sandpiper
rhys.thatcher: Godwit - Black-tailed
rhys.thatcher: Whimbrel
rhys.thatcher: Bar-tailed Godwit and Whimbrel
rhys.thatcher: Purple Sandpiper
rhys.thatcher: Turnstone
rhys.thatcher: Turnstone
rhys.thatcher: Ringed Plover
rhys.thatcher: Spotted Redshank
rhys.thatcher: Oystercatcher
rhys.thatcher: Dotterel