Odd Wellies:
Bridge to Swyre
Odd Wellies:
Chesil Beach from Burton Road
Odd Wellies:
Chesil Beach near Swyre
Odd Wellies:
Chesil Beach
Odd Wellies:
Church organ, Puncknowle Church
Odd Wellies:
Cross, Puncknowle Church
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Crown Inn, Puncknowle
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Detail_Millenium Map for the Parish of Swyre-Grey Long-eared Bats
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Detail_Millenium Map for the Parish of Swyre-Grey Long-eared Bats-2
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Helmet, Puncknowle Church
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Inside Swyre church
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Letter box, Looke Farm
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Looke Farm Dairy House
Odd Wellies:
Millenium map for the parish of Swyre
Odd Wellies:
Nativity scene, Puncknowle Church
Odd Wellies:
Nativity Scene, Puncknowle Church-2
Odd Wellies:
No roome for fulsome flattery
Odd Wellies:
Puncknowle Church
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Puncknowle Church-2
Odd Wellies:
Puncknowle Lookout
Odd Wellies:
Puncknowle Lookout-2
Odd Wellies:
Punknowle Knoll Lookout
Odd Wellies:
Punknowle Knoll Lookoutb&w
Odd Wellies:
Punknowle Knoll Lookoutb&w_2
Odd Wellies:
Sea from Puncknowle Knoll
Odd Wellies:
Shield No Limits
Odd Wellies:
Swyre Church
Odd Wellies:
The Bull Inn, Swyre
Odd Wellies:
Through the window at Puncknowle Lookout
Odd Wellies:
View from Puncknowle Knoll