Odd Wellies: Port nan Gallan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Colourful Stones, Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Golden Eagle at Astle Bay
Odd Wellies: Rocks at The Oa, Islay
Odd Wellies: Port an Eas, Islay
Odd Wellies: American Monument-01
Odd Wellies: Port nan Gallan - storm brewing, Islay
Odd Wellies: Port nan Gallan panorama, Islay
Odd Wellies: Natural arch, Port nan Gallan
Odd Wellies: Arch, Port nan Gallan, Islay
Odd Wellies: View from top looking down to Port nan Gallan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Beinn Mhor from Port nan Gallan-01
Odd Wellies: Port nan Gallan
Odd Wellies: Sunset Panorama, Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: The Going Down of the Sun
Odd Wellies: Sunset at Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Sunset at Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Sunset at Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Sunset at Lower Killeyan, Islay
Odd Wellies: Rolling Along the Atlantic
Odd Wellies: Red Ball in the Sea
Odd Wellies: At the Going Down of the Sun
Odd Wellies: Red Ball in the Sea
Odd Wellies: Square Sun
Odd Wellies: Devil's-bit Scabious and Glen Astle
Odd Wellies: View east from Glen Astle_2
Odd Wellies: View west from Glen Astle
Odd Wellies: Ruin and Dun Athad
Odd Wellies: Looking towards Dun Athad
Odd Wellies: Dun Athad