Plaid Ninja:
"Mandarin Pasta" from Chef 28 with ground pork
Plaid Ninja:
Leftover BBQ Pork w/ Pasta for lunch
Plaid Ninja:
My egg sandwich had a unibrow!
Plaid Ninja:
Alice's kick ass pancakes
Plaid Ninja:
Sizzle, muthafukka, SIZZLE!
Plaid Ninja:
Rasberry & Creme tart
Plaid Ninja:
Grillin' the pork loin
Plaid Ninja:
Cinnabon Cheesecake from TGIF
Plaid Ninja:
Vanilla Bean Cheesecake @ TGIF
Plaid Ninja:
That's one serious burger face
Plaid Ninja:
Fajitas from TGIF
Plaid Ninja:
This is what I use to decorate my plates
Plaid Ninja:
Mini grilled steak w/ tomato lentil couscous
Plaid Ninja:
Homemade steak eg & cheese on a sourdough roll
Plaid Ninja:
Homemade steak eg & cheese on a sourdough roll
Plaid Ninja:
Grilled Pork, pasta w/ broccoli, and Avocado stuffed with corn salsa
Plaid Ninja:
Grilled Pork, pasta w/ broccoli, and Avocado stuffed with corn salsa
Plaid Ninja:
Chicken & Veggies over CousCous at Chez Plaid Ninja
Plaid Ninja:
Bubble Tea
Plaid Ninja:
Plaid Ninja:
My moment of zen (at work)
Plaid Ninja:
BBQ Turkey Leg from NY Renaissance Faire
Plaid Ninja:
Gag me with a cookie!
Plaid Ninja:
All teas should have these effects
Plaid Ninja:
Crack Sandwich
Plaid Ninja:
Jerk Pork Ribs on the grill
Plaid Ninja:
Deep Fried Oreos (intact) from RUB
Plaid Ninja:
Grilled Steak over Couscous
Plaid Ninja:
Macaroni Grill Pasta
Plaid Ninja:
Short Ribs @ Spicy & Tasty (Flushing)