Plaid Ninja: Destroyed sidewalk
Plaid Ninja: Sidewalk desroyed
Plaid Ninja: Trees on houses
Plaid Ninja: Tree on a house
Plaid Ninja: Car destroyed by tree
Plaid Ninja: Uprooted tree, with brick
Plaid Ninja: Tree on house
Plaid Ninja: Tree on a house
Plaid Ninja: Trees on Houses, Utopia Parkway
Plaid Ninja: Close up of tree damage to house
Plaid Ninja: Tree roots - person shown to give a sense of scale
Plaid Ninja: Slowly the trees are being cut into managable sections
Plaid Ninja: Uprooted
Plaid Ninja: Trees and power lines
Plaid Ninja: Broken trees pushed aside, waiting to be cut
Plaid Ninja: Close up of tree on house
Plaid Ninja: Looking down Utopia Parkway in Bayside
Plaid Ninja: Tree on car - the car that had the opportunist sign next to it the night before
Plaid Ninja: Broken windshield
Plaid Ninja: Tree limb on car
Plaid Ninja: Utopia Parkway, Bayside
Plaid Ninja: Looking down Utopia Parkway
Plaid Ninja: Crews pick up broken branches
Plaid Ninja: Destroyed tree
Plaid Ninja: A limb that was moved aside, off the street
Plaid Ninja: That's the rear windshield inside the car
Plaid Ninja: Rear windshield destroyed
Plaid Ninja: Destroyed rear windshield
Plaid Ninja: Cleaning and repair has begun
Plaid Ninja: The storm destroyed St. George Church's steeple