Plaid Ninja: Grilled Scallops - almost done!
Plaid Ninja: And the salmon is done!
Plaid Ninja: Smokey!!
Plaid Ninja: Scallops on the grill - lookin' good!
Plaid Ninja: Salmon is almost ready...
Plaid Ninja: Fresh sea scallops with bitter orange adobo seasoning - ready for the grill
Plaid Ninja: Salmon ready for the grill!
Plaid Ninja: Salmon & Jerk Chicken on the grill
Plaid Ninja: Jerk Chicken and Blue Snapper on the grill
Plaid Ninja: Teriyaki fish on the grill
Plaid Ninja: Lemon pepper fish on the grill
Plaid Ninja: Black bean, corn, and tomato salsa
Plaid Ninja: Even trees need to pee sometimes
Plaid Ninja: My.... PRECIOUS!