R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): Vegas at night from Ceasar's palace
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): Erica C, me and Jane
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): in limo with Jerry Avenaim
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): shoot at hart and huntington
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): the strip from the strip (air strip)
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.......and btw, no not baby's real name.
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): This was my favorite piece at my show
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): Newest advertisement
R. Denise Photography (Rhobin): Nside magazine.......scroll to next photo to see our new advertisement