rhizopogon: old sturmey-archer bicycle hub internals
rhizopogon: sturmey-archer 3 speed coaster internals HDR
rhizopogon: Rainieria antennaepes. White tipped forelegs held in front and rapidly tapped as if they were antennae. VA, USA
rhizopogon: about to take flight
rhizopogon: what wood ewe do?
rhizopogon: Wolf Gap: rocks aplenty!
rhizopogon: Cypripedium acaule HDR
rhizopogon: bearded tooth mushroom: Hericium erinaceus
rhizopogon: fallen warrior HDR
rhizopogon: November delight
rhizopogon: Accotink creek
rhizopogon: morningstar dish tool
rhizopogon: suntour 3-pulley derailleur
rhizopogon: Will Roller Wheel Machine made in Phoebus, Virginia, USA
rhizopogon: Fourteen
rhizopogon: Tiny jeweled orb
rhizopogon: rippah
rhizopogon: Suntour GreaseGuard crank-fixing bolts, washers and dustcovers, NOS HDR
rhizopogon: DT Swiss spoke nipple 100x. The lowest thread is the initial one.
rhizopogon: Ichneumon
rhizopogon: titanium TIG weld - indy fab road bike
rhizopogon: WTB Suntour Grease Guard Bolt
rhizopogon: Agalinis purpurea
rhizopogon: Niner RIP9 RDO headtube crack. 2 rides.
rhizopogon: Mystery rim rolling machine