International Rhino Foundation: Rhino Translocation Team
International Rhino Foundation: Newly released rhino
International Rhino Foundation: Rhino charges the truck
International Rhino Foundation: Releasing the rhino
International Rhino Foundation: Locating the second rhino
International Rhino Foundation: Crate successfully placed in the truck
International Rhino Foundation: Placing the crate in the truck
International Rhino Foundation: Lifting the crate into the truck
International Rhino Foundation: Rhino safetly loaded in to the crate for transport
International Rhino Foundation: Placing the rhino in the crate
International Rhino Foundation: Pulling the sledge carrying the rhino to the truck
International Rhino Foundation: Placing rhino on stretcher sledge
International Rhino Foundation: Vet Team takes biological samples
International Rhino Foundation: Tranquilized Rhino
International Rhino Foundation: Tranquilized Rhino
International Rhino Foundation: Veterinarians on elephant back preparing to tranquilize the rhinos