Rhino1515: Fiesta Island -- view from tonight's bonfire location!
Rhino1515: Bowie
Rhino1515: Bryson, our grillmaster for the evening
Rhino1515: Phil
Rhino1515: "Hulk SMASH!"
Rhino1515: TJ and Rob relax
Rhino1515: Jarrod
Rhino1515: Chuck
Rhino1515: Bowie - relaxing in my Jeep
Rhino1515: Chuck and Jarrod
Rhino1515: Jarrod and Bill
Rhino1515: Discussion group
Rhino1515: The bonfire
Rhino1515: Everyone kicks back
Rhino1515: Bryson, Dave, Damian and Beemer
Rhino1515: Candid group shot
Rhino1515: Phil, Jay, Bryson (and a bit o' Rob)
Rhino1515: Rob by firelight
Rhino1515: Damian and Dave
Rhino1515: Bonfire in full force
Rhino1515: Jay and Bryson
Rhino1515: Mission Bay at twilight
Rhino1515: My favorite of the night
Rhino1515: Beemer and Dave bask in the glow
Rhino1515: Evil Dave