Rheline: Garde des chèvres, wwoofing Auvergne
Rheline: Vaches du wwoofing dans le Lot
Rheline: Vaches et chèvres, Lot
Rheline: Le troupeau de vaches et chèvres
Rheline: Chevrettes, Ferme des Broussailles
Rheline: Rosette
Rheline: Ferme des Broussailles, Québec
Rheline: Goats!
Rheline: Yum yum
Rheline: Wwoofing on organic goat farm, Québec
Rheline: Vincent
Rheline: Kanneck and Molly, the two babies
Rheline: Kanneck with mom Tallulah
Rheline: Molly with mom Maya
Rheline: Llama walking
Rheline: Rhéline llama-walking
Rheline: Rhéline with Molly, young llama
Rheline: Rhéline with llamas
Rheline: Rhéline helping with llama-shearing
Rheline: Llama dentist
Rheline: Llama walking
Rheline: Molly
Rheline: Lolita
Rheline: Lolita
Rheline: Rhéline learning to use spinning wheel
Rheline: My first yarn, not bad!
Rheline: Beate on weaving loom
Rheline: Rhéline learning to spin wool with spindle
Rheline: Rhéline with Gold
Rheline: Rhéline milking Belle