rtrabq: Getting Ready
rtrabq: Hutt Hutt!
rtrabq: RUN!
rtrabq: 1 up!
rtrabq: I'll give you one more yard!
rtrabq: Coach Their all Over Me!
rtrabq: How am i going to get thru that ?
rtrabq: Winners!!!
rtrabq: New Mexico Bowl Here We Come
rtrabq: Wimp
rtrabq: Up the center
rtrabq: I'm Gonna Get You Sucka
rtrabq: Grandpa's Shadow
rtrabq: Your Going Down
rtrabq: Home!!!
rtrabq: Everyone In!
rtrabq: Rocking Rio!
rtrabq: Captivated
rtrabq: Gloves ....... We Dont Need No Stinking Gloves
rtrabq: Coming Right At You!
rtrabq: Going In For The Dive
rtrabq: In Motion!
rtrabq: Coming Right at Ya!
rtrabq: Where You At Blue?
rtrabq: Which Way Should I Go?
rtrabq: Determination
rtrabq: Serving it Up!
rtrabq: Volley
rtrabq: Killer Shot
rtrabq: Packing the Points