Reid Harris Cooper: Brent Birnbaum's studio space
Reid Harris Cooper: Brent Birnbaum - spongebobs
Reid Harris Cooper: Brent Birnbaum - ninjaPLEEZEwannaBEEZ
Reid Harris Cooper: Brent Birnbaum - Jesus and Kozik (in progress)
Reid Harris Cooper: Brent Birnbaum - Carpeting
Reid Harris Cooper: MacGyver brick by Ryan Frank
Reid Harris Cooper: Michael Portnoy - TALUS
Reid Harris Cooper: el celso off the highway
Reid Harris Cooper: Ad Skewville 2007 @ Chashama
Reid Harris Cooper: Celso window etching
Reid Harris Cooper: Royce Bannon hand drawn
Reid Harris Cooper: Christopher Rose
Reid Harris Cooper: Big Orange Celso
Reid Harris Cooper: Awesome Celso Pieces
Reid Harris Cooper: For the love of Street Art
Reid Harris Cooper: Excremental Toy Display
Reid Harris Cooper: Billie Holliday by Royce Bannon
Reid Harris Cooper: CELSO Red & Blue
Reid Harris Cooper: Celso Stop sign
Reid Harris Cooper: Inside a Dog by Celso
Reid Harris Cooper: Celso Deeker Killer
Reid Harris Cooper: Celso Saw A Yellow Submarine and went Green
Reid Harris Cooper: simple Bloke
Reid Harris Cooper: Royce Monster lost an eye
Reid Harris Cooper: Chashama Open Studios This Way
Reid Harris Cooper: Carolyn Salas' Large Weave Painting
Reid Harris Cooper: Infinity & Celso + Deuce 7
Reid Harris Cooper: A bunch of Stikmen under NUK
Reid Harris Cooper: Royce Bannon & Celso