raimundo hamilton:
Razor Surgeonfish / Pez Chancho
raimundo hamilton:
that's me
raimundo hamilton:
tiger snake eel feeding
raimundo hamilton:
tiger snake eel and garden snakes in the background
raimundo hamilton:
nitrogen narcosis
raimundo hamilton:
spotted eagle ray / raya Aguila
raimundo hamilton:
Fine Spotted Moray / Morena Punto Fino
raimundo hamilton:
a very close encounter with a white tip shark, resting.
raimundo hamilton:
white tip shark
raimundo hamilton:
two white tip reef sharks
raimundo hamilton:
Fine Spotted Moray / Morena Punto fino
raimundo hamilton:
Ready to dive
raimundo hamilton:
white tip reef shark / tiburón de aleta blanca o Tintorera
raimundo hamilton:
tiger snake eel / anguila tigre
raimundo hamilton:
blue starfish
raimundo hamilton:
ready to dive.
raimundo hamilton:
raimundo hamilton:
Bumphead Damselfish / Damisela cabeza de chichón
raimundo hamilton:
raimundo hamilton:
Guineafowl Puffer (yellow phase) / Tamboril amarillo
raimundo hamilton:
trumpetfish / pez trompeta
raimundo hamilton:
a lot of Razor Surgeonfish + king Angelfish / muchos Pez Chancho + Pez Bandera
raimundo hamilton:
White tip reef shark / tintorera
raimundo hamilton:
the same white tip reef shark
raimundo hamilton:
white tip shark resting
raimundo hamilton:
Razor Surgeonfish / Pez chancho + Large banded blenny / Chupa piedra
raimundo hamilton:
raimundo hamilton:
Scorpion fish
raimundo hamilton:
Spotted ray
raimundo hamilton:
sea lion playing underwater