Rhadonda1: 46/365 A Heart: Shape/Pieces/Gather
Rhadonda1: 45/365 A Valentine: Love/Appreciation/Enjoy
Rhadonda1: 44/365 Tiny: Slight/Airy/Delicate (macro)
Rhadonda1: 43/365 Found: Discovered/Located/Observed (go for a walk)
Rhadonda1: Sunday Bow tie selfie
Rhadonda1: 41/365 What I'm Reading: For Fun/For Learning/For Perusal
Rhadonda1: 40/365 Twins: Two of a Kind/Pair/Combo (Unlikely Duo)
Rhadonda1: 39/365 Pink: Rose/Blush/Cheek (with a beverage)
Rhadonda1: 38/365 Scenery
Rhadonda1: 37/365 Twisted: String/Wool/Red (macro)
Rhadonda1: Sunday Bow Tie Selfie
Rhadonda1: 36/365 A Message: A Note/A Sign/A Directive
Rhadonda1: 35/365 Focus: Stands Out/Spotlight/Center of Attention (low f stop)
Rhadonda1: 34/365 Winter Fun (Motion) Take 2
Rhadonda1: 34/365 Winter Fun
Rhadonda1: 33/365 Observance
Rhadonda1: 32/365 Open/Free
Rhadonda1: 31/365 Balance: Symmetry/Equity/Harmony
Rhadonda1: 30/365 Bare Trees
Rhadonda1: 29/365 Contrast: Opposite/Different/Compare (red)
Rhadonda1: 28/365 Rooster: Chinese New Year
Rhadonda1: 27/365 Dried Flowers
Rhadonda1: 26/365 What I am Eating: From Above/On a Plate/Meal
Rhadonda1: 25/365 Spontaneous
Rhadonda1: 24/365 Open: Unblocked/Clear/Expose
Rhadonda1: 23/365 Action: Stopped/In the Air/Fast
Rhadonda1: 23/365 Action: Stopped/In the Air/Fast
Rhadonda1: Bow Tie Sunday Selfie
Rhadonda1: 22/365 Explore: Outside/Discover/Adventure
Rhadonda1: 21/365 (2) Winter Berries: Growing/Edibles/Supermarket (search)