rh1985moc: The alleyway
rh1985moc: 1940s street in London
rh1985moc: The Wicked Wench
rh1985moc: Air raid siren
rh1985moc: Bombed houses
rh1985moc: Barrage balloon
rh1985moc: Post box and cat
rh1985moc: ARP warden
rh1985moc: Business as usual
rh1985moc: Saying goodbye
rh1985moc: The park
rh1985moc: Traffic lights and street lamps
rh1985moc: Sandbags and London underground
rh1985moc: Big Ben
rh1985moc: Maidencastle
rh1985moc: Wicked Wench
rh1985moc: What's all this then?
rh1985moc: The tube station
rh1985moc: The Blackout Ripper
rh1985moc: 1930s bus stop
rh1985moc: Transport roundel
rh1985moc: Seating area
rh1985moc: Roundel in neutral colours
rh1985moc: Black and white with barrage balloon
rh1985moc: Victorian public toilet
rh1985moc: Gate entrance to public toilet
rh1985moc: Entrance to toilet
rh1985moc: Urinals
rh1985moc: Pipe work
rh1985moc: WC