RGB&W: RGB molecule
RGB&W: DNA of light
RGB&W: pseudo-HDR
RGB&W: quasi-HDR (was supposed to be the 'Dragan effect' ;)
RGB&W: faux-HDR (a.k.a. DRI as in Russell Brown's Wilde & Wacky "Dynamic Raw Imaging" ;)
RGB&W: single-frame DRI = Dynamic Range Increase
RGB&W: Qtpfsgui (1st and rather unsuccessful attempt ;)
RGB&W: Photoshop's "Merge to HDR" (1st attempt, mildly succcessful)
RGB&W: manual "tone-blend" via layers with luminosity masks in PS
RGB&W: Qtpfsgui (2nd attempt / first take, huge improvement :)
RGB&W: Qtpfsgui (2nd attempt / second take, huge improvement :)
RGB&W: "fading painting painted on weathered cardboard" look (Qtpfsgui; 2nd attempt / third take - sharper)
RGB&W: Qtpfsgui (2nd attempt / third take - darker)
RGB&W: Surreal (Weta-style ;) rendition of Max Patte's "Solace in the Wind"
RGB&W: "Solace in the Wind" by a British sculptor Max Patte
RGB&W: party BIG!
RGB&W: psycho-party
RGB&W: psychoparty
RGB&W: ...peaceful dawn, not a breath of wind...
RGB&W: The Secret Garden
RGB&W: B&W (à la infrared?)
RGB&W: "Zaczarowany Ogród" in [almost] B&W
RGB&W: "Tajemniczy Ogród"