Rahul Gaywala: Looking forward to the next event.
Rahul Gaywala: Reviving the forgotten games.
Rahul Gaywala: Good to see Kho-Kho, a traditional Indian street game.
Rahul Gaywala: Reviving the forgotten games.
Rahul Gaywala: The handsome dog.
Rahul Gaywala: Energetic performance
Rahul Gaywala: Astonished spectators
Rahul Gaywala: Enjoying every moment of it.
Rahul Gaywala: Kids group, enjoying street dance.
Rahul Gaywala: Kids group, enjoying street dance.
Rahul Gaywala: Kids group, enjoying street dance.
Rahul Gaywala: Intense shooting
Rahul Gaywala: Anytime is selfie time.
Rahul Gaywala: Photography, age no bar.
Rahul Gaywala: Subjects on left are more interesting than subjects on right.
Rahul Gaywala: Just you and me.
Rahul Gaywala: Exhausted artist
Rahul Gaywala: In his own world.
Rahul Gaywala: Everyone found their favourite activity.
Rahul Gaywala: To eat, or to draw?
Rahul Gaywala: The brand new joy of street painting.
Rahul Gaywala: A little fan of Simpsons.
Rahul Gaywala: Childhood revived.
Rahul Gaywala: Lets plant some trees
Rahul Gaywala: Save trees, go green.
Rahul Gaywala: Art is in the air
Rahul Gaywala: Prachi, the young artist
Rahul Gaywala: Little artist
Rahul Gaywala: Little artist