rgaines: Mantra character design
rgaines: Costume creation: Mantra “mood board"
rgaines: Costume creation: The other “mood board”
rgaines: Costume creation: The Sword of Fangs
rgaines: Costume creation: I *swear* I have an explanation for this.
rgaines: Costume creation: makeup and um, a couple other things...
rgaines: Mantra: Before and after!
rgaines: Definitely *not* Little Red Riding Hood
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra at the Baltimore Comic Con
rgaines: Adam Hughes meets his creation!
rgaines: Harley Quinn and Mantra
rgaines: The Golden Sorceress meets the Boy Wonder
rgaines: Supermantra?
rgaines: Oh, c'mon, I *had* to do this.
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Stay back from the...pagoda, I guess...?
rgaines: Mantra
rgaines: Mantra and the Washington Monument
rgaines: Mantra and the Jefferson Memorial
rgaines: It's like a Ren Fest...but indoors.
rgaines: Stay back or Mister Bananas gets it!
rgaines: Costume creation: Armor reconditioning