shashin62: As the sign says......
shashin62: Gentoo
shashin62: Off for a swim
shashin62: Oyster Catcher
shashin62: West Point Island
shashin62: March to the albatross
shashin62: Resting
shashin62: Camera shy
shashin62: Looking and waiting
shashin62: Vocal
shashin62: Sailing into the fog
shashin62: Coming in for a landing
shashin62: Magellanics
shashin62: Magellanic resting
shashin62: Thirsty Gentoo
shashin62: Gentoo drinking
shashin62: Tanks
shashin62: Busy main street of Stanley
shashin62: The Lady Elizabeth
shashin62: Whalebones and Church
shashin62: Coins in concrete
shashin62: Famous Gnome Garden
shashin62: Falkland Island Houses
shashin62: Wingspan
shashin62: Black Browed Albatross
shashin62: 1.30 am
shashin62: Stanley Post Office
shashin62: A reminder of the homeland
shashin62: Stanley
shashin62: Behind the Falklands flag