fortsonre: NASA Hangar 990 at Ellington Field
fortsonre: Girl and teddy enjoying the show
fortsonre: working the crowd
fortsonre: the future
fortsonre: is it over already?
fortsonre: Bill Balleza from KPRC news
fortsonre: cheering the crew
fortsonre: Sandy Magnus speaks
fortsonre: Chris Ferguson
fortsonre: the crew
fortsonre: presentation to Mayor Parker
fortsonre: presentation from the Senator
fortsonre: Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
fortsonre: Hutchison and Coats
fortsonre: getting settled
fortsonre: a good view
fortsonre: cheering entrance
fortsonre: proud
fortsonre: flags
fortsonre: STS135 Crew return - last one for a while
fortsonre: Atlantis plaque description