rfors55: Lucie on Wade Lake
rfors55: Farm Girl
rfors55: Sam
rfors55: Julie
rfors55: Loki attacks a stick
rfors55: The Great Mountaineer
rfors55: Barnyard with girl (Lucie)
rfors55: Loki and a buddy
rfors55: Rob in paradise
rfors55: Out on the range
rfors55: A winter walk
rfors55: On the Yellowstone
rfors55: On the steeps at Bridger Bowl
rfors55: Obama comes to Bozeman
rfors55: Nancy Danaher, Margo Aserlind
rfors55: Loki on the peak
rfors55: Tom Danaher
rfors55: Julie
rfors55: Wade Lake
rfors55: Asher
rfors55: Dusk on the Missouri River
rfors55: Fixing the barn doors
rfors55: Rooster in the tractor
rfors55: Camping on the Boulder River
rfors55: Barney and Melvin
rfors55: Rob and his Aura
rfors55: Sam's new school
rfors55: Making Hay