NeanderSloth: killdeer 03c
NeanderSloth: killdeer 05c
NeanderSloth: brown pelican
NeanderSloth: killdeer 002c
NeanderSloth: killdeer 06c
NeanderSloth: cormorant-neotropical 10c
NeanderSloth: killdeer 07c
NeanderSloth: "Skewed Vision"
NeanderSloth: pelican-brn 21c
NeanderSloth: "LURE of the open sky"--brown pelicans
NeanderSloth: killdeer 09c
NeanderSloth: sandpiper-spotted 01-lr
NeanderSloth: willet 01c
NeanderSloth: wilson's snipe 01 6D
NeanderSloth: wilson's snipe 02 6
NeanderSloth: wilson's snipe 03c 7D
NeanderSloth: laughing gull 12-6
NeanderSloth: willet 04c-6
NeanderSloth: white pelican 07-6
NeanderSloth: high flying peregrine falcon
NeanderSloth: cruzing brown pelicans-5
NeanderSloth: laughing gull 14-3
NeanderSloth: forster's tern 03-6
NeanderSloth: ruddy turnstone 01c-3
NeanderSloth: willet 06-7