(rbf): swaddled
(rbf): swaddled2
(rbf): swaddled3
(rbf): swaddled4
(rbf): yawn
(rbf): suzanne holding ellis
(rbf): karen holding ellis
(rbf): karen smiling at ellis
(rbf): J holding E
(rbf): J and E heads
(rbf): jrg ellis on chest
(rbf): jrg ellis on chest2
(rbf): E in stroller
(rbf): E in stroller2
(rbf): R holding E in stripes
(rbf): swaddled in stars
(rbf): tummy time
(rbf): umbilical cord
(rbf): contemplating the outside world1
(rbf): comtemplating the outside world2
(rbf): R and E eating
(rbf): green stripes bouncy
(rbf): Behind Karen
(rbf): DKE
(rbf): On Don's lap
(rbf): Bonnie giving Ellis a bottle
(rbf): With Jonathan in the glider
(rbf): On Karen's shoulder
(rbf): On Karen's shoulder
(rbf): In the mirror