Rexton: Evening Light on the Point
Rexton: Noon and High Tide
Rexton: The Point Near High Tide
Rexton: The Point at Low Tide
Rexton: Towards the Minas Basin
Rexton: Traceries of Endurance
Rexton: Looking Right (What the..!)
Rexton: Old Horn, New Light
Rexton: Cliffs of Stone
Rexton: Cliffs of Gold
Rexton: Think if it as erosion in action.
Rexton: Bastions: Noon
Rexton: Bastions: Evening
Rexton: Southwest Towards Fundy
Rexton: Noon at High Tide
Rexton: Evening at Low Tide
Rexton: Coucher du Soleil d'Or
Rexton: Falaises d'Or
Rexton: From Cape d'Or to Cape Split.