RexSteed: Joe and The Trees
RexSteed: Curious
RexSteed: Wonder
RexSteed: PC252946
RexSteed: PC252947
RexSteed: PC252948
RexSteed: PC252949
RexSteed: PC252950
RexSteed: PC252951
RexSteed: PC252952
RexSteed: PC252953
RexSteed: Steve and Joe on the Stands
RexSteed: Bleachers
RexSteed: PC252965
RexSteed: PC252966
RexSteed: Palm Trees and Bleachers
RexSteed: PC252981
RexSteed: PC252994
RexSteed: Joe taking a Picture
RexSteed: Where The Hell are the Pretty Floats?
RexSteed: Was the Parade This week?
RexSteed: Uh Oh
RexSteed: PC253016
RexSteed: PC253017
RexSteed: PC253018
RexSteed: PC253022
RexSteed: PC253023
RexSteed: PC253025
RexSteed: California Poppy
RexSteed: PC253027