RexSteed: Armani Cherubs
RexSteed: Armani Cherubs
RexSteed: P1147589
RexSteed: Under the Stands
RexSteed: Tournament of Roses Stairs
RexSteed: Empty Stands
RexSteed: The stands at Sunset
RexSteed: Beneath The Stands
RexSteed: Beneath the Stands of Rose Parade
RexSteed: Beneath the Stands of Rose Parade
RexSteed: Beneath the Stands of Rose Parade
RexSteed: Self Pic
RexSteed: Self pic
RexSteed: Palm trees
RexSteed: P1147706
RexSteed: P1147715
RexSteed: Tournament of Roses House
RexSteed: Palm Trees
RexSteed: Tournament of Roses House
RexSteed: Tournament of Roses House
RexSteed: Self Pic
RexSteed: Ticket Booth at Rialto
RexSteed: Rialto Theater
RexSteed: Side of Rialto
RexSteed: Side of Rialto
RexSteed: Rialto Stairs
RexSteed: P1147757
RexSteed: SteveFromUnder
RexSteed: SteveEyes
RexSteed: SodaSign