RexSteed: Joe Getting Ready
RexSteed: Steve Putting Table Together
RexSteed: Working on Table
RexSteed: Joe Carrying Boxes Away
RexSteed: Joe Newspaper
RexSteed: After working
RexSteed: JoeThroughTheWindow
RexSteed: Screwdrivers
RexSteed: JoeNight
RexSteed: Joe's House night
RexSteed: Joe's House Night 2
RexSteed: Clouds on Mountain 2
RexSteed: Sunrise in Palm Springs
RexSteed: Trees and Sunrise in PS
RexSteed: Clouds On Mountain
RexSteed: Sunrise 2
RexSteed: SunriseScape
RexSteed: SunriseScape2
RexSteed: Palm Trees
RexSteed: Off the 10