rewinditback: RachellePeytonNC-5-17-2014-1
rewinditback: Angry skies.
rewinditback: Picking Mother's Day flowers with my lil flower.
rewinditback: My girls.
rewinditback: Vivian drew this and called it her rainbow. Super proud right about now.
rewinditback: Orin swift 2012 abstract. My favorite winery. Shout out to @fillbowne for introducing me to them.
rewinditback: Best part of waking up is Vivian going nuts. #oldiebutagoody
rewinditback: More adventures
rewinditback: Adventures with dad and papaw
rewinditback: She is my daughter, without a doubt.
rewinditback: Obligatory child in snow photo.
rewinditback: Morning.
rewinditback: Fishes with my lil fish.
rewinditback: Latergram of my favorite little lady. #proudpapa
rewinditback: Ice fishing.
rewinditback: My babes.
rewinditback: Giddy-up!
rewinditback: Pixies
rewinditback: Sidewalk archeology.
rewinditback: Frozen lake. Beautiful sight on my dog walk with my homeboy @seeohharewhy
rewinditback: There isn't much that I feel I need A solid soul and the blood I bleed But with a little girl, and by my spouse, I only want a proper house
rewinditback: You and me
rewinditback: Christmas farewell with aunt Simone and uncle @slacroix0220
rewinditback: Elmo live. Her mind is officially blown! #dadlife #1fan
rewinditback: That's ice inside my house even though the thermostat is at 68.
rewinditback: Bird man. Aka king of bath time. Aka sir scrubs a lot. Aka mr clean. Aka 2-clean-crew. Aka 2rinse shakur. Aka method to my cleaning man. Aka old cleany. Aka shampootang clan.
rewinditback: Peekaboo
rewinditback: If it was possible to stop time, I'd stop it right here. Whenever she nods off in my arms is the greatest feeling in the world. #proudpapa
rewinditback: Welcome home
rewinditback: Merry christmas! Congratulations to @meigs5000 And @rachellelacroix on their engagement and congratulations to notorious v I v on her first successful photobomb!