Revted94: Steven Fountain
Revted94: Reflecting in the cool of the day
Revted94: Living again
Revted94: McCracken Memorial Fountain
Revted94: Ross Fountain
Revted94: Ross Fountain
Revted94: Stewart Memorial Fountain
Revted94: Oasis
Revted94: Dumfries Fountain
Revted94: Prince of Wales Fountain
Revted94: Musselburgh War Memorial
Revted94: Murray Fountain
Revted94: Two comemmorations
Revted94: A glimpse of the past
Revted94: Flower fountain
Revted94: 'Praise God from Whom all blessings flow'
Revted94: McCubbin Drinking Fountain
Revted94: Drinking Fountain
Revted94: Victorian drinking fountain
Revted94: McNaught's Fountain
Revted94: Drinking fountain
Revted94: Old and New drinking fountains
Revted94: Lion fountain
Revted94: Flower fountain
Revted94: Water and light
Revted94: Drinking fountain
Revted94: Flower fountains
Revted94: Grey Ghent
Revted94: Memorial Fountain