Rev Stan: Yep all four in one pic, finally
Rev Stan: Good views were had by all
Rev Stan: Mosh, excitement barely contained, awaits the start of the gig
Rev Stan: IMGP1025
Rev Stan: Kirk Hammett
Rev Stan: No I'm not going to say that
Rev Stan: If you were expecting Bryan Adams you've got the wrong night
Rev Stan: The classic stance (for Robert)
Rev Stan: The loneliness of the long distance rock guitarist
Rev Stan: Let's rock etc
Rev Stan: James Hetfield or God as Mosh calls him
Rev Stan: Kirk Hammett
Rev Stan: Kirk 'little Kirk' Hammett as Stan likes to call him
Rev Stan: Yep we were there
Rev Stan: The Prisoner returns
Rev Stan: Black beach balls seemed like a good idea on paper
Rev Stan: Beach balls, Metallica-style
Rev Stan: It's not Wembley Kirk