revsorg: Terrifying spider web on slide
revsorg: Beware, pirates
revsorg: They store Cadbury's chocolate here in large quantities
revsorg: Side of shed in focus
revsorg: IMG_9788
revsorg: A building in Milton Keynes
revsorg: Another building in Milton Keynes
revsorg: A building in Milton Keynes
revsorg: A building in Milton Keynes
revsorg: Monument
revsorg: Tree
revsorg: A tree in Milton Keynes
revsorg: CCTV
revsorg: A vast natural lake
revsorg: Looking up near the big clock thing
revsorg: Escalator
revsorg: Eating pretzels at the big clock thing
revsorg: He floats
revsorg: Thames Valley Police
revsorg: Tree!
revsorg: Where we parked our car
revsorg: Painting