revsorg: Example of power cables passing through the branches of trees in Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Coalbrookdale Quaker Burial Ground
revsorg: Coalbrookdale Quaker Burial Ground
revsorg: View from the Quaker graveyard ground at Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Quaker tree
revsorg: Abraham Darby gravestone in the Quaker graveyard ground at Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Coalbrookdale Quaker Burial Ground
revsorg: Deborah Dickinson gravestone in the Quaker graveyard ground at Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Alfred Darby gravestone in the Quaker burial ground at Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Alfred Darby gravestone in the Quaker graveyard at Coalbrookdale
revsorg: Coalbrookdale Quaker Burial Ground
revsorg: Coalbrookdale Quaker Graveyard