Revol Drib: 窗外Outside the Window
Revol Drib: 车站Bus Station
Revol Drib: 摩的Moto Taxi
Revol Drib: 洗澡堂Bathroom
Revol Drib: 马路Road
Revol Drib: 毕业的道路Ways of Graduation
Revol Drib: 电线杆Pole
Revol Drib: 毕业Graduation
Revol Drib: 铜茶壶Copper Teapot
Revol Drib: 三个厨师Three Chefs
Revol Drib: 副食店Grocer
Revol Drib: 双黄线Double Yellow Lines
Revol Drib: 屋顶Roofs
Revol Drib: 场Ground
Revol Drib: 雨前的天空Sky before the Rain
Revol Drib: 车和门Car and the Door