revlimit: Red Sun - No effect on this pic. Just crazy wildfires.
revlimit: Rarity
revlimit: Scifi Babo
revlimit: American Memorial Day feast
revlimit: Pinkie Pie!
revlimit: Exterminate?
revlimit: Me Grimlock stomp pretty flowers.
revlimit: The morning commute
revlimit: It's a lens flair kinda day.
revlimit: Playing in the back yard
revlimit: My favorite cat in the world. She happens to live at Sarah's parent's.
revlimit: Playing at the grandparent's
revlimit: Not sensor dust
revlimit: Koona tchuta, Solo?
revlimit: Given come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away
revlimit: Walk softly and carry a big gun.
revlimit: Zoom car!
revlimit: Lazy afternoon
revlimit: Butterfly pavilion. They let me get amazingly close.
revlimit: Downtown parking
revlimit: Father's day prezzie!
revlimit: The sky looks extra unreal tonight.
revlimit: My fathers day gift to my dad. Same sword as mine. :)
revlimit: First sunflower of the year!
revlimit: My buddy Stoly came to visit. This is Flipper.
revlimit: Project-G brake boot. I'm in love
revlimit: She'll be blogging in no time
revlimit: Cooling off after a long drive.
revlimit: At the carwash
revlimit: I didn't even realize it was my month in the calendar till this evening.