reynolds.james.e: Caryn on the Velcro Wall
reynolds.james.e: Caryn on the Velcro Wall
reynolds.james.e: Grrrrrrrrrr, who wants tickets to THE GUN SHOW
reynolds.james.e: Our room at the Victorian Tudor Inn
reynolds.james.e: Mural on the wall in our room
reynolds.james.e: Dolls at the top of the staircase
reynolds.james.e: Coordinating porcelain dogs, bathroom
reynolds.james.e: Coordinating porcelain dogs, fireplace
reynolds.james.e: Lovely dining room
reynolds.james.e: Lovely dining room sideboard
reynolds.james.e: Euchre in the dining room
reynolds.james.e: Strangely shaped side room leading to the stairs
reynolds.james.e: Dining room ceiling
reynolds.james.e: Typical carnies, gambling away the days wages . . .
reynolds.james.e: Saturday morning skies
reynolds.james.e: World Famous Redwood Log House
reynolds.james.e: View from inside the house
reynolds.james.e: Mini Train rides
reynolds.james.e: Pappy from the Caboodlestoppers
reynolds.james.e: OMG PONIES!!1!1
reynolds.james.e: ALPACA!!
reynolds.james.e: BEHBEH GOATSES!!!
reynolds.james.e: Full-grown African pygmy goat
reynolds.james.e: BEHBEH PIGGY
reynolds.james.e: Saturday dinner nom nom nom
reynolds.james.e: BEHBEH GOATSES!!!
reynolds.james.e: MEEEEHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
reynolds.james.e: BEHBEH DEERS!!
reynolds.james.e: Kangaroo?
reynolds.james.e: One-Armed Roo