reynolds.james.e: Me, Argia, and Anthony
reynolds.james.e: Me, Argia, and Anthony part 2
reynolds.james.e: Me and a shame-filled Connor
reynolds.james.e: Much family
reynolds.james.e: Mom does not like that cheese
reynolds.james.e: Jeff does not like that cheese
reynolds.james.e: Connor REALLY does not like that cheese
reynolds.james.e: Connor and Anthony
reynolds.james.e: Connor and Anthony
reynolds.james.e: Connor, blurry and too close
reynolds.james.e: Cheers!!
reynolds.james.e: Jeff, post squashing
reynolds.james.e: Jeff's disgusting foot
reynolds.james.e: Jeff, blowing out the candles
reynolds.james.e: HA!! It's the re-lighting kind!!
reynolds.james.e: Jeff is totally amused
reynolds.james.e: Connor, getting some frosting
reynolds.james.e: Caryn is going for walkies