janeewillis: River Severn in flood - from Shrewsbury's English Bridge
janeewillis: River Severn in flood - from Shrewsbury's English Bridge
janeewillis: River Severn in flood - from Shrewsbury's English Bridge
janeewillis: River Severn in flood - Shrewsbury's English Bridge
janeewillis: Cormorants under the English Bridge
janeewillis: Cormorants under the English Bridge
janeewillis: I'm guessing the sign says we can't go through here because there's a lot of water about....
janeewillis: Restricted headroom...
janeewillis: floods expected
janeewillis: Quarry Park Shrewsbury - River Severn in flood
janeewillis: lovely house, but oh dear...
janeewillis: strangely peaceful car park
janeewillis: cars drowning peacefully
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: swans enjoying the flooded Severn
janeewillis: into the Quarry
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: lonely crocus
janeewillis: bandstand - the Quarry, Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: IMG_8218
janeewillis: Welcome to the Quarry!
janeewillis: flooded Severn, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: bandstand shadow, Quarry Park Shrewsbury
janeewillis: a new island