Eloy Revilla:
Almond trees are already in full season; Bollullos de la Mitación, Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
A horse with no name; Marisma de Hinojos, Doñana Huelva ES
Eloy Revilla:
Geese are also arriving to their winter grounds in the south....Anser anser, Villafáfila, Zamora, ES
Eloy Revilla:
ripe to sleep, El Rocio, Doñana, Almonte, Huelva ES
Eloy Revilla:
spring in the mountains...Cofiñal, Cantabrian Mountains, León ES
Eloy Revilla:
wintering robin ready to go! Erithacus rubecula; Bollullos de la Mitación, Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
bye winter, hello spring; last snow & first flowers (almod trees) in the altiplano, Los Ciruelos, Chirivel Sierra Maria Almeria ES
Eloy Revilla:
flowering almonds and snow in Sierra Maria, Maria Almeria ES
Eloy Revilla:
wind in your heron; Ardea cinerea, Amsterdam, NL
Eloy Revilla:
an end for winter with Muscari neglectum, Bollullos de la Mitacion, Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
Peña Rueda, Quirós, Asturias ES
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on the move! Lissotriton boscai Jabugo, Huelva ES
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peace vulture; Gyps fulvus, Monfragüe, Torrejón el Rubio, Caceres ES
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Sylvia melanocephala, Bollullos de la Mitacion Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
watching out the rice fields, Isla Mayor, Doñana, Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
two pregnant mares in the severely overgrazed Doñana marshes, Hinojos, Huelva ES
Eloy Revilla:
winter red, Viburnum opulus, Veghel, Noord Brabant NL
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Larus marinus, Cliffs of Moher, Clare IE
Eloy Revilla:
in memory of hedgerows, Dalfsen, Overijssel NL
Eloy Revilla:
an Atlantic front, olive groves and power lines; Bollullos de la Mitacion Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
peatbog evening, Bedafse Bergen, Vorstenbosch NL
Eloy Revilla:
side-snow plus sun, Veghel Noord-Brabant NL
Eloy Revilla:
it's chiffchaff time in the South, Phylloscopus collybita, Bollullos de la Mitacion Sevilla ES
Eloy Revilla:
the marshes in a wet winter, Reserva Biologica de Doñana CSIC
Eloy Revilla:
Dutch light II
Eloy Revilla:
Winter in the mountain pass. Piedrasluengas pass, Palencia, ES