Reverend Sam: Lorenzo Norris Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo drawing a crowd
Reverend Sam: Vita, Norris, Marina and Leo
Reverend Sam: Vita, Marina and Leo
Reverend Sam: weighing Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo with barcode costing 63.75 Euro (a bargain)
Reverend Sam: Leo priced as suckling pig?
Reverend Sam: 100_1887how much does the baby weigh? 6.718kg
Reverend Sam: Leos barcode
Reverend Sam: Happy Leo
Reverend Sam: Ossibuchivello
Reverend Sam: Leo in his cot
Reverend Sam: Vita pushing Leo
Reverend Sam: Novalba and Vita pushing Leo
Reverend Sam: Vita pushing Leo around her parents shop
Reverend Sam: Leo wondering what is going on?
Reverend Sam: Has Leo pulled?
Reverend Sam: Catia and Leo
Reverend Sam: Sam with Leo and beard
Reverend Sam: developing a dads beard
Reverend Sam: cutting the cake
Reverend Sam: homemade 1st month birthday cake for Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo and his honorary sheep
Reverend Sam: Leo sleeping through his 1st month celebration
Reverend Sam: Leo and his one month old cake
Reverend Sam: Me and Leo having an afternoon siesta
Reverend Sam: Walking with Leo on the beach
Reverend Sam: walking with Leo on the beach