Reverend Sam: Leo climbing
Reverend Sam: My son fencing against the number 1 in UK in his age group
Reverend Sam: Leonardo in fencing competition
Reverend Sam: Leonardo at his first fencing competition
Reverend Sam: Fencing
Reverend Sam: Rocket man
Reverend Sam: Leo play snooker in the its world championship venue the Crucible (Sheffield)
Reverend Sam: Cub activities in the dark in the peaks
Reverend Sam: 608210307_e43e951f6f_o
Reverend Sam: LEO, nice elephant
Reverend Sam: Going into her class for the first day
Reverend Sam: Leo and Aurora investigating a dead jellyfish….
Reverend Sam: Finding the body of a giant jellyfish
Reverend Sam: Wading adventures
Reverend Sam: Leo sinking into the fast river carrying him into the atlantic
Reverend Sam: Crazy soggy
Reverend Sam: Up to his neck in iron rich highland stream - now with aurora following...
Reverend Sam: Leo playing in the cold water miles from civilization
Reverend Sam: Leo running upstream
Reverend Sam: Leo jumping in scotish rivers
Reverend Sam: Leo and Aurora braving the scotish atlantic
Reverend Sam: Jumping in puddles
Reverend Sam: Leo and his big leaves
Reverend Sam: Mysterious cafe at end of dirt road in the highlands
Reverend Sam: 10am cocktails
Reverend Sam: Leo, Aurora and Gromit
Reverend Sam: Cut off his head
Reverend Sam: ARGHHH
Reverend Sam: Fire and rescue… just for Leo again