Reverend Sam: Sam and Leo playing
Reverend Sam: Leo ghosting, zooming during exposure
Reverend Sam: Leo grumping whilst ill
Reverend Sam: Leo needing cuddles
Reverend Sam: Bergamo, Citta Alta
Reverend Sam: Palestina Libera!
Reverend Sam: Leo & Aurora
Reverend Sam: Aurora in her xmas hat
Reverend Sam: Aurora
Reverend Sam: Chrome teeth
Reverend Sam: parked cars in guardalavaca
Reverend Sam: Chrome bumper
Reverend Sam: Family car in cuba
Reverend Sam: Leo singing in the front seat of the bus
Reverend Sam: Oink Oink
Reverend Sam: Piglet in makeshift pen
Reverend Sam: In a local house as Leo hunts fresh bananas
Reverend Sam: Cuba flag blowing in cloudy caribbean breeze
Reverend Sam: Crab lurking under the surface
Reverend Sam: Leo running and screaming like a madman with Ollie
Reverend Sam: Aurora wide eyed
Reverend Sam: Lobby reflections
Reverend Sam: swimming pools full of legs again