Reverend Sam: Working in the Japanese Embassy
Reverend Sam: Replaning HS2
Reverend Sam: Dinning in Mansion House
Reverend Sam: Mansion house meal
Reverend Sam: Working at TRL
Reverend Sam: A nice invite to get
Reverend Sam: In Tokyo at the worlds busiest pedestrian crossing
Reverend Sam: Plane being defrosted in sub zero flight over snow
Reverend Sam: Being taught Japanese Etiquette for a trade mission
Reverend Sam: Flying in the snow
Reverend Sam: Another award, another dinner
Reverend Sam: Latest work mugshot
Reverend Sam: Xmas gift at work
Reverend Sam: Autonomous car meeting in Ordnance Survey with governments CCAV team
Reverend Sam: Autonomous car meeting in Ordnance Survey with governments CCAV team
Reverend Sam: Beautiful sunset on way back from watching car crashes
Reverend Sam: Award from the Queen
Reverend Sam: Judge Dread vehicle made by people i work with
Reverend Sam: ESA ariane rocket
Reverend Sam: At the entrance to the European Space Agency
Reverend Sam: Presenting The Floow on the same stage as poets and musicals...
Reverend Sam: Speaker on behalf of Government - Lancaster House
Reverend Sam: Inside Lancaster House
Reverend Sam: Receiving awards from the queen (via the Lord Leuitenant)