Reverend Sam: Big Red hands - for building dry stone walls, of course
Reverend Sam: Tour de France = Building a dry stone wall
Reverend Sam: Leo learning dry stone wall skills
Reverend Sam: Surveying their first dry stone wall
Reverend Sam: Aurora with her dry stone wall
Reverend Sam: Leonardo in the Tour de France
Reverend Sam: Aurora's obligatory tour de France photo
Reverend Sam: Lost in translation - France TV in Sheffield
Reverend Sam: Leaders in the youth - tour de france
Reverend Sam: 10 seconds later - now 2 hours to wait - tour de france
Reverend Sam: Y = Yorkshire - pulling out all the stops for the tour de france
Reverend Sam: Extreme product placement
Reverend Sam: Teisseire zero - on the streets of Sheffield
Reverend Sam: Stage 2 finish line - Le Tour
Reverend Sam: Aurora supporting England
Reverend Sam: Crowds by the finish line as the winner approaches
Reverend Sam: Cyclists - le tour
Reverend Sam: Crowds at the tour de france