Reverend Sam: Alps ahead - starting anyway
Reverend Sam: Foothills of the alps
Reverend Sam: Old tunnels through the alps for people and cars
Reverend Sam: Coming out of 2km tunnel above the clouds
Reverend Sam: Long way from anywhere
Reverend Sam: Tracing the source of San Pelligrino
Reverend Sam: Alpine Church looming through the trees
Reverend Sam: Driving in the alps
Reverend Sam: Foppolo
Reverend Sam: Two seconds out of the car - the first snowball
Reverend Sam: Novalba and Amethyste
Reverend Sam: Foppolo
Reverend Sam: View from our window
Reverend Sam: Leo diving in his first snowdrift
Reverend Sam: Snow angel
Reverend Sam: Leo's snowman made before checking into the hotel
Reverend Sam: The snowman (number 1)
Reverend Sam: The finished snowman - complete with legs and victory salute
Reverend Sam: Aurora in her first avalanche
Reverend Sam: Snow explorers
Reverend Sam: Snowman and family
Reverend Sam: Road marking poles, buried under the 3m snow
Reverend Sam: Snow upto the third floor on the hotel pineta
Reverend Sam: lots of shovelling
Reverend Sam: JCB used to dig out the snow lost beneath it
Reverend Sam: trying to climb through a wall of ice
Reverend Sam: Me in the alps
Reverend Sam: Alpine explorer
Reverend Sam: Sledging in a world of white