Reverend Sam: Balancing
Reverend Sam: Balance beam
Reverend Sam: Rope swing
Reverend Sam: Aurora swinging on a rope swing
Reverend Sam: Swinging round and round
Reverend Sam: Aurora
Reverend Sam: Aurora in her natural element, woodland with things to climb
Reverend Sam: Giggles in the woods
Reverend Sam: Monkey dangling in space yet again
Reverend Sam: Fearless
Reverend Sam: Aurora up another tree
Reverend Sam: Leo and Vita
Reverend Sam: Toothless
Reverend Sam: Trying to pull mummy into the trees
Reverend Sam: Now fear at all as she looks down 10ft below to a very worried Vita
Reverend Sam: Climbing
Reverend Sam: Monkey
Reverend Sam: Baby Holly tree in the woods
Reverend Sam: Spinning
Reverend Sam: Meanwhile Leo has been busy being what he calls and old fashioned wood cutter
Reverend Sam: Whittling
Reverend Sam: Craftsman at work
Reverend Sam: Swinging in the woods
Reverend Sam: Leo and Aurora sitting outside their home in the woods
Reverend Sam: Pendulum - keeping time in the woods
Reverend Sam: As the stranglers said - Just hanging around
Reverend Sam: In the woods - standing on a small fallen branch
Reverend Sam: Danger!!! Extreme pick up sticks….
Reverend Sam: Aurora now standing on the balanced pile o' danger.