Reverend Sam: On the beach as the sun rises in the caribbean, nice
Reverend Sam: Vita, in sillouette in the wedding gazebo at 6am as the sun rises.
Reverend Sam: Empty beach, nothing but crumpet trees poking through the perfect sand
Reverend Sam: early morning footsteps on the sands
Reverend Sam: Palms at the end of our 100m garden leading to the sea
Reverend Sam: The sky turning blue, 10 mins into the day
Reverend Sam: The caribbean
Reverend Sam: wide angle in the wedding gazebo, the path leads back to our room
Reverend Sam: Leo in the early morning sands of a caribbean beach
Reverend Sam: Leo playing in the sand
Reverend Sam: Leo with driftwood of a new day
Reverend Sam: Caribbean sunrise
Reverend Sam: Leo running in the sunrise
Reverend Sam: Leo waking up in Cuba, excited at the beach and forgetting his breakfast
Reverend Sam: Lizards in the sun
Reverend Sam: Cute curly tailed Lizard
Reverend Sam: Lizard hanging around outside our room eating an apple core
Reverend Sam: Curly Curly
Reverend Sam: Jumping Lizard 1foot long just outside my door
Reverend Sam: Curly Curly Tail
Reverend Sam: The first of many blue skies over the christmas holidays
Reverend Sam: <song>Along comes Leo with his mouth open wide</song>
Reverend Sam: playing on the beach
Reverend Sam: One of Leos countless "eagles"
Reverend Sam: Sitting under one of Leo's Crumpet trees (Edward Lear peoms muddle the world again)
Reverend Sam: Breakfast on the beach, coconuts
Reverend Sam: More of Leos Crumpet trees (he made me take the picture)