Reverend Sam: Tattershall Castle
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo crossing Tattershall castles moat
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo @ Tattershall Castle
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo infront of the 15th Centuary Tattershall castle
Reverend Sam: Leo running to daddy across the moat bridge
Reverend Sam: Leo crossing the moat
Reverend Sam: Leo running at Tattershall Castle
Reverend Sam: Lord of the Manor
Reverend Sam: James just before his wedding
Reverend Sam: James before his big day
Reverend Sam: Arrivals at the castle
Reverend Sam: Setting up
Reverend Sam: Stained Glass
Reverend Sam: Stained Glass heraldry at Tattershall Castle
Reverend Sam: Stained Glass
Reverend Sam: Bride and Groom
Reverend Sam: Signing the register
Reverend Sam: Signing the register
Reverend Sam: James just after the ceremony
Reverend Sam: Mrs Long
Reverend Sam: Mr and Mrs
Reverend Sam: James and Debbie
Reverend Sam: Playing in the ruins of tattershall castle
Reverend Sam: guests
Reverend Sam: Coming out of the ceremony
Reverend Sam: the bride and groom posing for photos in the castle bailey
Reverend Sam: posing for family photos
Reverend Sam: Long family wedding photos on tattershall castle bailey