Reverend Sam: Novalba and Aurora
Reverend Sam: Aurora and Novalba
Reverend Sam: Novalba cuddling Aurora
Reverend Sam: Aurora being cuddled
Reverend Sam: Aurora and Novalba
Reverend Sam: Lorenzo and Marina cuddling Aurora
Reverend Sam: Marina and Lorenzo with Aurora for the first time
Reverend Sam: Marina snuggling Aurora
Reverend Sam: Marina cuddling Aurora
Reverend Sam: Aurora
Reverend Sam: Leo blowing out an extra birthday candle
Reverend Sam: Leo smiling
Reverend Sam: Leo's extra birthday tart
Reverend Sam: Leo laughing
Reverend Sam: Leo smiles for his special extra birthday cake
Reverend Sam: Leo (assisted) blowing out his extra birthday candles
Reverend Sam: Leo and Mummy blowing out candles
Reverend Sam: Candles and snack
Reverend Sam: Leo precariously grabbing his drink
Reverend Sam: Lorenzo
Reverend Sam: Leo openning presents
Reverend Sam: Leo playing with Duplo
Reverend Sam: Novalba showing Leo his presents
Reverend Sam: Leo playing with his Duplo
Reverend Sam: Duplo man with wheelbarrow