Reverend Sam: The blue skies of Louth
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo in Louth
Reverend Sam: One way street in the quiet of Louth
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo infront of Louth Church
Reverend Sam: carved butresses
Reverend Sam: The 15th centuary door of Saint James's church
Reverend Sam: Looking up Saint James's Steeple
Reverend Sam: Louths history in blue plaque form
Reverend Sam: St James's Church against a fluffy clouded sky
Reverend Sam: Vita walking down quiet Louth Streets, towaqrds the dominating St. James Church
Reverend Sam: Shop windows of curios looking down the highstreet
Reverend Sam: Sign for the "gentlemen club", anything but..
Reverend Sam: Vita in Little Butcher Lane
Reverend Sam: the "haunted" Market hall of Louth
Reverend Sam: Vita pushing Leo past Louths street markets
Reverend Sam: Vita in Louths market square
Reverend Sam: My Mum holding Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo running in garden games
Reverend Sam: In the play house window
Reverend Sam: Cheeky girl about to be naughty